Simulink Units

Simulink Units [12/18/2017 – 07:29:50AM] Error: Unable to bind script SKSQuest (000847A2A) because their base types do not match [12/18/2017 – 07:29:50AM] error: Unable to bind script SKSQuest (00084702) because their base types do not match [12/18/2017 – 07:29:50AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_SkyMatorqueBuildingQuest (000848423) because their base types do not match [12/18/2017 – 07:29:50AM] error: Unable to bind script QF_SkyMatorqueBuildingQuest (00084844C) because their base types do not match [12/18/2017 – 07:29:50AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_SkyMatorqueBuildingQuest (0008484A0) because their base types do not match [12/18/2017 – 07:29:50AM] warning: Property myActor on script QF_MageBetsQM (070F88C1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [12/18/2017 – 07:29:50AM] warning: Property QF_SkyMatorqueWindfallBalsamble on script QF_SkyMatorqueBumpsQM (070F88E9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property [12/18/2017 – 07:9:04AM] error: Unable to bind script QF_WinterIslesSceneScript to (5A000D60) because their base types do not match [12/18/2017 – 07:9:04AM] error: Unable to bind script QF_WinterIslesSceneScript to (5A000DEF7) because their base types do not match [12/